Electronics Articles

Electropages Insights Blog covers the latest in electronic design through webinars and articles. Delve into topics from sensors to AI implications. Stay ahead with Electropages.

New Crystal Oscillators Transform the Market

Demand for quartz crystal oscillators, which are essentially electromechanical devices used to provide a stable clock signal in a wide range of electronic applications, is growing. Quartz crystals can operate in frequencies that vary from a few tens of kiloher...

By Nnamdi Anyadike | 21-11-2019

5 Things to Consider About Fusion Reactors

Fusion is what powers the Sun – and Hydrogen Bombs.  A fusion reaction generally involves two atoms “fusing” into a new atom. The atoms of interest are two isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium. While common hydrogen consists of one proton and one electr...

By Gary Elinoff | 19-11-2019

Buy As You Fly - How Inflight WIFI Will Change The Way We Travel

A few years ago the very idea of having a mobile phone switched on while in flight was horrifying. We were told that the signal from mobile devices could interfere with the plane’s navigation system. Which seems like a staggering oversight on behalf of people...

By Philip Spurgeon | 15-11-2019

Lithium Battery Honoured with Nobel Prize

The awarding of the 2019 Nobel Prize in chemistry by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to Japanese researcher Akira Yoshino and American researchers John B. Goodenough and M. Stanley Whittingham for their development of lithium-ion batteries, underscores t...

By Nnamdi Anyadike | 14-11-2019

Bionic Eyes - The Future of Sight

Bionics have been the crusade of engineers, scientists and medical doctors for decades.  There has always been an unspoken understanding that there is only so much medical science could do for the human body and - sooner or later - technology was going to have...

By Philip Spurgeon | 13-11-2019

Internet of Threats - 5 IoT Security Concerns

The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to rise in popularity. Now, it seems almost anything boasts Internet connectivity, from single-board computers, mobile devices, and TVs to fridges. Outside of consumer IoT, industrial IoT is incredibly prevalent. Plus, ev...

Security | By Moe Long | 11-11-2019

Is Artificial Skin the Wearable Tech We've All (Secretly) Been Waiting For?

There’s always been a connection between science and the arts going as far back as the renaissance, if not further. Artists and writers inspire inventors, scientists and engineers to make their imaginings a reality. Whether it’s space travel, fusion reactors o...

By Philip Spurgeon | 06-11-2019

Six Things That Need to be Considered About 5G

5G is a revolutionary technology that will vastly improve the speed at which smartphone users can receive information. But it goes far beyond that. It will also serve to hasten the arrival of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS), the next step in automoti...

By Gary Elinoff | 05-11-2019

Wearable Solar Technology Breakthrough

Miniaturisation combined with the greater flexibility of solar cells is leading to new opportunities for wearable solar technology. The benefits of wearable solar solutions are clear: small electronics can be charged through a USB connection integrated into cl...

By Nnamdi Anyadike | 04-11-2019

MeasureWare Makes Precision Measurement Simple

Temperature, weight, humidity, pH, pressure, and other factors can be measured more effectively for more accurate datasets using Analog Devices Inc’s MeasureWare solutions. MeasureWare solutions are built to interface devices with the world around them, allowi...

By Rob Coppinger | 30-10-2019

Digitisation in Agriculture Providing ‘Smart Farming’ with Greater Precision

Agriculture is set to become ‘smarter’ with digitisation and new technologies such as facial recognition for animals promising to provide the sector with greater control over its processes. Dr. Venkat Maroju, Chief Executive Officer of ‘SourceTrace’ a provider...

By Nnamdi Anyadike | 28-10-2019

Cheap IoT Technology Paves the Way for a Global Hackathon

By the year 2025 there will be approximately 28 billion Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices in operation worldwide and this is a massive security accident just waiting to happen. In fact, that’s wrong, it's already happening and that’s because a vast number of Io...

By Paul Whytock | 24-10-2019