
First IC for piezoelectric resonator DC-DC conversion achieves a 310% loss reduction

CEA-Leti scientists and the University of California San Diego have created a ground-breaking piezoelectric-based DC-DC converter that unifies all power switches onto a single chip

Power | 23-02-2024

Improving 'cooperation' between autonomous vehicles via V2X communication

CEA-Leti has announced a new R&D initiative to contribute to a higher level of vehicle automation and cooperation by extending the latest developments in vehicular wireless com

Test & Measurement | 25-10-2023

First autonomous imager for smartphones appliances and automobiles

CEA-Leti has announced what it claims to be the world’s first autonomous imager technology that activates smartphones and small appliances via face recognition or other particular

New Technologies | 01-06-2021

Researchers break throughput record for LiFi communications

CEA-Leti researchers have broken the throughput world record of 5.1Gbps in visible light communications (VLC) using a single GaN blue micro-LED. Their data transmission rate of 7.7

New Technologies | 18-06-2020