Cost-effective ultra-low-power, SimpleLink dual band wireless MCUs

08-09-2016 | Mouser Electronics | Semiconductors

Stocked by Mouser, Texas Instruments’ CC1350 SimpleLink dual band wireless MCUs are cost-effective, ultra-low-power, capable of handling both Sub-1GHz and 2.4GHz RF frequencies. These MCUs have very low active RF and current consumption. These include flexible low-power modes, that provide excellent battery lifetime. They allow long range operation on small coin-cell batteries and in energy-harvesting applications. The device combines a flexible, very low-power RF transceiver with a powerful 48MHz Cortex-M3 microcontroller in a platform supporting multiple physical layers and RF standards. A dedicated radio controller (Cortex-M0) handles low-level RF protocol commands that are stored in ROM or RAM. This radio controller ensures ultra-low power and gives the flexibility to handle both Sub-1GHz protocols and 2.4GHz protocols. This flexibility enables the combination of a sub-1GHz communication solution that offers the best possible RF range together with a Bluetooth low energy smartphone connection that enables great user experience through a phone application.

By Electropages Admin