Samsung Electro-Mechanics is Leading the Change

In the 5G era, the importance of MLCC is expected to grow with the development of electronic devices, self-driving cars, and the expansion of IoT. Samsung Electro-Mechanics possesses the high technological capability to produce high-capacity MLCC stacked up to 600 layers. In line with market trends, Samsung Electro-Mechanics is developing ultra-small and ultra-high-capacity products and is striving to develop high-reliability, high-quality, high-tech MLCC.

Samsung Electro-Mechanics offers a wide range of automotive MLCC for a variety of applications, including safety and infotainment. 

These MLCC has exceptional electrical characteristics and ensures high credibility.

Furthermore, through its soft termination technology, it was designed to absorb external physical stress and prevent the occurrence of short circuits.

  • Ultra Small, Ultra High Capacity
  • Quality Reliability
  • Global Market Leader


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