Room-Temperature Superconductor: Finally a Thing? Maybe…

31-07-2023 | By Robin Mitchell

In what can only be described as completely surreal, a team of researchers from South Korea have recently made their findings on a new material public, claiming that it’s the world’s first room-temperature semiconductor that operates at ambient pressure. What exactly was reported, is there any truth in their findings, and what are the implications if it’s real?

The breakthrough, if validated, could revolutionise various industries, from power transmission to medical imaging. However, the scientific community remains cautious, awaiting further verification of these extraordinary claims.

A hovering superconducting material above a cluster of neodymium magnets.

Researchers Claim to Have Created Room-Temperature Superconductors

It is very common for research papers to make their way into the newspapers, with claims greatly exaggerated and predictions of major changes to society as we know it. In every one of these stories, nothing truly important ever comes from such papers, and the articles of grandeur around the research quickly fade into the abyss. 

But a paper published by a team of researchers from South Korea has stirred significant interest in the scientific community with its bold claims. The researchers assert that they have created a superconductor that operates at room temperature and room pressure, a feat previously thought to be unattainable. 

While other high-temperature semiconductors have been designed before, they typically only work under extreme pressures, such as those found at the centre of a planet, meaning that they could never be used practically. Other superconductors that work at ambient pressure, such as those used in medical imaging systems, require extremely low temperatures, making them impractical for small-scale systems.

Introducing LK-99: The Claimed Room-Temperature Superconductor

However, what the researchers have claimed is a practical superconductor at temperatures as high as 100˚C and ambient pressure. The new material, called LK-99, is a composite ceramic made from lead, sulphur, and copper

To create the new material, LK-99, the researchers mixed several powdered compounds containing lead, oxygen, sulphur, and phosphorus, then heated them at a high temperature for several hours. This process resulted in a dark grey solid. When they measured the resistivity of a millimetre-sized sample of LK-99 at different temperatures, they found that it fell sharply from a sizeable positive value at 105°C (221°F) down to nearly zero at 30°C (86°F). 

What makes the supposed discovery critical is that the equipment needed to make the material is cheap and readily available, and the instructions outlined in the paper (which has not been peer-reviewed) are easy to follow. 

Adding evidence to their research, two videos were shown of the new superconductor operating in ambient conditions, including partial levitation from a large magnet. According to the researchers, the impure nature of their materials resulted in only a partial superconductor, meaning that full levitation (Meissner effect) was not possible with their sample. 

The videos, while intriguing, are not definitive proof of superconductivity. They do, however, add an intriguing layer to the researchers' claims and have sparked widespread discussion in the scientific community.

As this news only broke out recently, the entire physics community is holding its breath while other researchers try to mimic the results published in the paper. Considering that it only takes a day or two to produce the ceramic, it won’t be long before others can either verify the authenticity of the results or renounce the paper as scientific heresy.

The speed at which the scientific community can verify or refute these findings is a testament to the rapid pace of modern research. It also underscores the importance of peer review and independent verification in maintaining the integrity of scientific discoveries.

Is There Any Truth in the Researchers’ Findings?

It is hard to judge whether the researcher’s findings are real or not, but one positive fact that comes about the paper is that the media hasn’t blasted headlines of “revolutionary new material” and “green future here we come”. The extreme lack of headlines indicates that the media has finally learned to approach new advancements and announcements with caution, doing background checks and verification of data before publishing content.

From the research paper, there is nothing that looks out of place at first glance. For example, their data and tables are consistent with a material that shows superconductivity qualities, with a sudden sharp increase in resistance when the temperature exceeds 100˚C. To make matters more interesting, one of the videos published by the researchers does appear to show the Meissner effect.

However, only one edge of the flat, coin-like material fully levitated, while the other seemed to stay in contact with the magnet. According to Kim, this is due to the sample being imperfect, which means that only some part of it becomes superconductive and exhibits the Meissner effect.

Expert Opinions on the Room-Temperature Superconductor

Susannah Speller and Chris Grovenor at the University of Oxford have expressed scepticism about the claims made by the Korean researchers. They argue that when a material becomes superconductive, there should be clear signatures of that in a number of measurements, including the response to a magnetic field and a quantity called heat capacity. However, they note that neither is demonstrated in the data. “So it is too early to say that we have been presented with compelling evidence for superconductivity in these samples,” Speller says.

Other experts consulted by New Scientist shared similar scepticism about the results and the data produced. Some raised concerns that some of the results could be explained by errors in the experimental procedure combined with imperfections in the LK-99 sample.

The theoretical models that Kim and his colleagues cite as explaining why the new material can superconduct at such different conditions than all previous ones have also been called into question by one of the researchers that New Scientist spoke to.

Despite the scepticism, Hyun-Tak Kim, one of the researchers involved in the study, believes that other researchers should try to replicate his team’s work to settle the issue. He has stated that once the findings are published in a peer-reviewed journal, he will support anyone who wants to create and test LK-99 for themselves. In the meantime, he and his colleagues will continue to work on perfecting their samples of the alleged miracle superconductor and move towards mass-producing it.

Kim's openness to scrutiny and his commitment to further refining their work is commendable. It is through such rigorous processes that scientific progress is made.

Dave Jones' Critical Analysis: Superconductor or Lenz's Law in Action?

Dave Jones, an electronics engineer and the host of the popular YouTube channel EEVBlog, has provided a critical analysis of the researchers' claims. In a video titled "Korean LK-99 Ambient Temperature Superconductor Demo Video FAIL!" Jones notes that the demonstration video published by the researchers does not actually show a superconductor in action. Specifically, he points out that when a magnet passes by a sample of the material, which is coated on a copper plate, the sample moves in relation to the magnet. According to Jones, this is not indicative of superconductivity but rather a phenomenon known as Lenz's Law.

According to Dave Jones, the copper plate moves due to Lenz’s Law, whereby a changing magnetic field induces a current in the copper plate, and that creates a magnetic field that opposes the original magnetic field. While this may appear to be the case at first glance, upon closer observation, the supposed superconductor rapidly aligns with the magnetic field after motion is stopped, giving the appearance of the Meissner effect. This motion is subtle but fast. 

Jones's analysis provides a valuable counterpoint to the researchers' claims. It underscores the importance of rigorous scrutiny in scientific research and the need for clear, unambiguous evidence when making such significant claims.

Others have pointed out that the levitation seen in the supposed superconductor could be a result of diamagnetism, which itself could be practical, but by no means a superconductor. It should also be noted that the paper itself has a number of errors and that one of the original authors of the paper disagreed with the paper being published, indicating internal friction between the researchers.

What Are the Implications if the Material Is Real?

Most are expecting the newly claimed superconductor to be proven to be false and that either the researchers have falsified data or some other physical phenomena will explain the results. However, should the material be proven to be a superconductor, the ramifications would be extreme.

The potential impact of a room-temperature superconductor cannot be overstated. However, it is equally important to approach such claims with a healthy dose of scepticism until they have been thoroughly verified.

To start, the development of a room-temperature superconductor would allow for lossless power transmission, everything from large transformers in electrical grids to small chips used in mobile devices. As there is zero resistance in superconductors, no heat would be generated by circuits, and this would not only save massive amounts of energy (especially for mains distribution) but help the device last longer on batteries.

Secondly,room-temperature superconductors would be able to power frictionless transportationsystems, primarily those operating on rail. Such transportation combines the best of aeroplanes and railways, allowing for trains to move at high velocity while experiencing no friction from the track. This reduces the energy consumption of such vehicles while allowing for increased speeds compared to traditional rail systems.

In Conclusion

The potential benefits of room-temperature superconductors extend far beyond these examples. They could revolutionise a wide range of industries and technologies, from renewable energy to quantum computing.

Room-temperature superconductors would also pave the way to cheaper medical imaging, as there would be no need for liquid nitrogen, liquid helium, or the infrastructure needed to make such systems work. This would allow for advanced scanning systems to become more commonplace in medical environments, thereby increasing access to quality healthcare.

These potential uses of superconductors are just the tip of the iceberg, and there are thousands of potential applications all ready to go. Of course, in order for any of this to become a reality, the research presented by the Korean researchers must first be verified and proven; otherwise, our dreams of superconductors will remain just that, dreams.

The claims made by the Korean researchers are undoubtedly exciting, but they also serve as a reminder of the importance of rigorous scientific scrutiny. Only through careful verification and replication can we determine the truth of these claims and potentially unlock a new era of technological advancement.


By Robin Mitchell

Robin Mitchell is an electronic engineer who has been involved in electronics since the age of 13. After completing a BEng at the University of Warwick, Robin moved into the field of online content creation, developing articles, news pieces, and projects aimed at professionals and makers alike. Currently, Robin runs a small electronics business, MitchElectronics, which produces educational kits and resources.