High-performance energy-storage supercaps can replace batteries

23-03-2016 | DMTL | Passives

Distributed Micro Technology Ltd (DMTL) is now a distributor for the UK and Ireland for the leading supercapacitor manufacturer VINATech. The appointment takes immediate effect and allows DMTL to work alongside customers to develop solutions using VINATech’s industry leading Hy-Cap capacitor products. "Hy-Cap capacitors are high-performance energy-storage devices that are often used as replacements for batteries or simply supporting them, across a very broad range of demanding applications.” said Pete Jones, DMTL’s commercial director. “These applications include vehicle electronics, metering, uninterruptible power supplies, hybrid vehicles, telecoms and renewable energy systems including both solar- and wind-powered. DMTL has many customers in these exciting technology sectors who will be very interested to learn how Supercapacitors can be used to benefit their application.” VinaTech’s Hy-Cap capacitors are fast-discharge devices available in electric double layer capacitor (ELDC) and hybrid (P-EDLC) formats and offer a number of performance advantages over their battery alternatives. The VINATech 3V series offers huge advantages compared to similar products in the market today, enabling higher power and higher energy densities, longer cycle life, wider operating temperature ranges, short-term peak power capability and the potential for low current, long-term back-up.

By Electropages Admin