Electron Electronics is Exhibiting at Southern Manufacturing and Electronics

24-01-2024 | By Jack Pollard

Electron is excited to announce their presence at the Southern Manufacturing and Electronics event, showcasing a range of advanced PCB production equipment manufactured in the UK under the Mega brand. This exhibition follows the closure of the original manufacturer and highlights Electron's commitment to innovation in PCB technology.

Wide Range of Benchtop Models for Diverse Needs

Electron's lineup includes various benchtop models, notably the PA104, PA210, and the PA310. Each model is designed for specific requirements, with features such as heated bubble etch tanks and wash compartments. These versatile tanks, compatible with Ferric Chloride, are globally recognised in both industrial and educational settings.

Enhanced Etching Process with Innovative Technology

Electron has revolutionised the PCB etching process. The use of bubble etch tanks can significantly reduce the time to prepare a PCB, making it possible to have a PCB ready in 15 minutes or less. Additionally, the introduction of the Rota Spray has transformed the etching process, reducing the time from 10 minutes to a mere 90 seconds. 2023 sees the launch of the redesigned Rota Spray 2, offering numerous enhancements over its predecessor. This new model features a single control panel, a larger chemistry capacity, and a significant reduction in overall weight, making it more efficient and user-friendly. The Rota Spray 2 and bubble etch tanks are not limited to PCB production. Their versatility extends to various industries, including jewellery, badge, and sign-making.

Comprehensive Support for PCB Production

Electron provides a full suite of products to support PCB production, including artwork film, chemistry, laminates, and the Minicraft range of drilling machines. These drilling machines are available in both single and variable speeds, accommodating a range of drill bit sizes.

To learn more please visit the Electron Electronics website.

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By Jack Pollard

Jack has spent over a decade in media within the electronics industry and is extremely passionate about working with companies to create interesting and educational content, from podcasts and video to written articles for engineers and buyers.