Robin Mitchell

Robin Mitchell is an electronic engineer who has been involved in electronics since the age of 13. After completing a BEng at the University of Warwick, Robin moved into the field of online content creation, developing articles, news pieces, and projects aimed at professionals and makers alike. Currently, Robin runs a small electronics business, MitchElectronics, which produces educational kits and resources.

How intelligent soil sensors can help farmers reduce fertiliser use

Researchers have recently developed a smart sensor that can help farmers reduce the fertiliser they use on their crops. What problems does fertiliser abuse cause, what did the rese

Environment | 21-12-2021

Security researchers discover flaws in Wi-Fi Bluetooth SoCs

Recently, researchers have discovered a flaw that could see billions of devices worldwide vulnerable to attack. What vulnerability exists, is there a fix, and why are hardware bugs

Security | 15-12-2021

Vancouver researchers create a flexible battery

Recently, researchers from Vancouver have created a flexible battery that can be stretched, worn, and washed while retaining its ability to provide power and recharge. What challen


How vertical CMOS stacking will continue to shrink devices

Last year, Intel announced a new technology that has not been discussed widely in the electronics engineering space. What challenges do semiconductor fabs face when shrinking trans


Start-up company exploring the use of molten salt to store renewable energy

A new start-up tech company is developing molten salt technology to store excess energy from renewable sources. Why do renewables face challenges with energy storage, what is the c

Environment | 14-12-2021

School in England collects data from pollution sensors on students

An experiment involving pollution sensors on students has finally turned in its data with some interesting results. What problems does air pollution induce in cities, what did the


Researchers create working micro camera helped by AI

Recently, researchers have developed a camera whose size measures just 0.5mm square. What challenges do small cameras face, how did the researchers achieve this, and what could it

AI | 09-12-2021

Amazon develops AI to look for private data in open-source code

Amazon has recently developed a new software service called “Secretes Detector” that can look through publicly available source code and identify potentially private information. W

AI | 09-12-2021

Canada latest country to recognise semiconductor importance

Canada’s Semiconductor Council have finished an investigation into semiconductor production and its importance and has come to the same conclusion as many others. What will Canada

Semiconductors | 08-12-2021