Mouser Electronics

Mouser Electronics is a global authorised distributor of semiconductors and electronic components for over 1,200 industry-leading manufacturer brands. We specialise in the rapid introduction of the newest products and technologies targeting the design engineer and buyer communities. 

How AI is Revolutionising Procurement in the Electronics Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising not only the future of technology and the electronics industry but also the way procurement professionals conduct their work. Curren

Buyer News | 20-06-2024

APIs in Procurement: Overcoming Integration Challenges for Efficiency Gains

Chances are, by now, you’ve heard talk of APIs and their prevalence in our work and home lives. In a world moving more toward automation every day, the API (Application Programming

Buyer News | 05-06-2024

Expert Tips for Identifying Counterfeit Electronic Components

In today's electronics market, the surge of counterfeit electronic components poses escalating challenges for manufacturers, suppliers, and consumers. Driven by complex global supp

Buyer News | 29-04-2024

Mouser's 2024 Trends in Electronics Component Purchasing

As we move toward 2024, it’s essential that buyers and purchasing professionals remain vigilant and informed about market trends to optimise their purchasing strategy and supply ch

In The News | 07-12-2023

Mouser's 2024 Trends in Electronics Component Purchasing

As we move toward 2024, it’s essential that buyers and purchasing professionals remain vigilant and informed about market trends to optimise their purchasing strategy and supply ch

Buyer News | 07-12-2023