Customisation options available for service programmer

07-12-2021 | Segger | Test & Measurement

SEGGER’s service programmer Flasher Portable PLUS is now completely customisable, enabling corporations to provide their service technicians with a branded tool. The user-friendly device is battery-powered and stores multiple programming images.

Customisation options comprise injection moulding utilising company colours, fascia branding with corporate logos and corporate slogans, and other corporate design elements. It also provides customisation of the display content, including altering the splash screen.

The company does all customisation, needing no further work on the customer side once their initial choices have been selected. Created as a highly rugged, reliable and portable production-grade flash programmer for firmware updates, the device offers a long track record of proven success in the field.

“The in-field service technician is a frontline representative of a company,” says SEGGER’s CEO, Ivo Geilenbruegge. “The technician’s tools reflect the company’s commitment to quality, reliability, and customer service. With SEGGER’s customisation options, these tools can now also represent the company brand itself.”

By Natasha Shek