Development kit is perfect for universities, students and makers

13-12-2016 | Mouser Electronics | Development Boards

Red Pitaya STEMLab Edu Kits, available from Mouser, contain everything needed to use their Red Pitaya STEMLab 125-10 Board as an oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, LCR meter, Bode analyzer, Tesla meter, LTI DSP workbench, and more. The board features a dual core ARM Cortex A9 and FPGA MCU and offers fast and slow analog I/O. The kit includes the Logic analyzer Basic and one-year subscription to visual programming with a sensor extension module. The diagnostic accessories include 2x oscilloscope probes, 2x SMA to BCN adapter, 2x 50ohm termination, 2x SMA T adapter and Wi-Fi dongle.

By Electropages Admin