Type-C configuration channel logic and port control device

13-11-2015 | Mouser Electronics | Semiconductors

The Texas Instruments TUSB320 USB Type-C configuration channel logic and port controller is now available from Mouser stock. The device enables USB Type-C ports with the configuration channel (CC) logic needed for Type-C ecosystems. The TUSB320 device uses the CC pins to determine port attach and detach, cable orientation, role detection, and port control for Type-C current mode. The TUSB320 can be configured as a downstream facing port (DFP), upstream facing port (UFP) or a dual-role port (DRP) making it ideal for many application needs. The TUSB320 device alternates configuration as a DFP or UFP according to the Type-C Specifications. Applications include host, device, dual-role port systems, mobile phones, tablets / notebooks and USB Peripherals

By Electropages Admin