Virtual prototyping software is tailored to speed EV development

17-08-2020 | Synopsys | Automotive & Transport

An integrated EV virtual prototyping tool from Synopsys is a multi-discipline solution which enables earlier, more productive and scalable development. The company adds that it operates across power electronics to software development and test.

Virtual prototyping empowers development teams to start earlier, be more productive and rapidly scale verification and validation of EV electronic systems, explains Synopsys.

The prototyping tool supports a broad set of development tasks from control systems, firmware and application development to functional safety, system integration and calibration.

Claimed to be the industry’s most comprehensive virtual prototyping for the development of EV electronics hardware and software, the integrated solution leverages the company’s virtual prototyping technologies, including Virtualizer, Silver, TestWeaver and SaberRD, enhanced for the specific needs of EV system development. From power electronics through software development and test, the multi-discipline integrated software enables earlier and more productive development, and rapid scaling of test activities by removing the dependency on a physical hardware set up, explains Synopsys.

The company’s integrated multi-discipline solution has been enhanced to support EV design with EV model libraries for power electronic, microcontrollers and AutoSar components, multi-level fast simulation from abstract to high fidelity for detailed analysis, debug, analysis and test functionality to support functional safety, hardware/software debug, variation analysis, coverage analysis and calibration design tasks. There are also APIs for integration into additional automotive flows and tools. This includes support for the FMI.

By Natasha Shek