Yannick Chammings

Yannick Chammings has led Witekio as Chief Executive Officer since 2009. Chammings has more than 20 years of industry experience, with deep expertise in embedded software and smart object technologies. He started as a Project Manager at Sinfor, a French Software Engineering Services company, joining Adetel, a French Embedded Design house, in 2002. From 2002 to 2007 he developed the embedded software branch of Adetel which became the foundation for Adeneo Embedded. In 2007, he setup the US operations and develop the overall activity before spinning it off and transforming it into Witekio. Chammings holds a Master in Computer Engineering from INSA-Lyon, France.

Embedding Cloud Connectivity in Edge Nodes

Bringing intelligence and connectivity to the edge of the network requires OEMs to change their point of view when it comes to product design, writes Witekio’s CEO, Yannick Chammin
