Liam Critchley

Liam Critchley is a science writer who specialises in how chemistry, materials science and nanotechnology interplay with advanced electronic systems. Liam works with media sites, companies, and trade associations around the world and has produced over 900 articles to date, covering a wide range of content types and scientific areas. Beyond his writing, Liam's subject matter knowledge and expertise in the nanotechnology space has meant that he has sat on a number of different advisory boards over the years – with current appointments being on the Matter Inc. and Nanotechnology World Association advisory boards. Liam was also a longstanding member of the advisory board for the National Graphene Association before it folded during the pandemic.

Triboelectric Fibres: Enhance Physiological Monitoring

Textile electronics that use fibres have emerged as a system for monitoring human health and tracking fitness activities. In fibre electronics systems, a network of body area sens

Technical Analysis | 16-05-2024

Machine Learning Predicts Osteoarthritis Risk Effectively

Key Things to Know: Global Impact: Approximately 528 million people worldwide are affected by osteoarthritis, with cases increasing due to aging populations and rising obesit

Technical Analysis | 15-05-2024

How TacticAI Masters AI Football Tactics Efficiently

Key Things to Know: Strategic Importance of AI in Football: AI is enhancing football tactics by enabling deeper analytical insights and predictions, particularly in managing

Insights | 07-05-2024

Advanced Anode-Electrolyte Theory for Ammonium Ion Batteries

Key Things to Know: Advancing AIB Technology: Ammonium Ion Batteries (AIBs) offer a safer, more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional batteries, using ammonium

Technical Analysis | 17-04-2024

3D Printing Custom Ocular Prostheses: New Tech Insights

Key Things to Know: Customisation is Key: Each ocular prosthetic must be individually tailored to fit the unique eye socket shape and appearance of the patient, enhancing bot

Technical Analysis | 16-04-2024

Soft Neural Probes: Precision Liquid Metal Printing on the Cranium

Key Things to Know: Complex Neural Dynamics: The brain's intricate network of neurons is essential for all bodily functions, controlling everything from motor skills to memor

Technical Analysis | 15-04-2024

AI in Healthcare: How Deep Learning Detects CHD with Precision

Things to Know: CHD is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in infants, with early detection being crucial for effective treatment and increased survival rates. Tra

Technical Analysis | 11-03-2024

Waterproof Ultraflexible Organic PVs: Solar Tech Breakthrough

Key Things to Know: Innovative Waterproofing: Recent advancements have led to the development of waterproof and ultraflexible organic photovoltaics (OPVs), enhancing wearable

Technical Analysis | 08-03-2024

Potassium-Sulphur Batteries: Optimisation Leads New Energy Era

Key things to know: Potassium-Sulfur Batteries (KSBs) offer a high theoretical energy density of 1023 Wh kg-1, leveraging the abundant and cost-effective resources of potassi

Technical Analysis | 06-03-2024